Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Segmen Jom Tambah Followers By faizuddin fuad

Posted by Sara Z at 01:16 12 comments


Jom korang ramai-ramai join Segmen Tambah Followers By Faizuddin Fuad :) 

Cuma perlu klik link ini Segmen Tambah Followers Faizuddin Fuad

Jom join, dapat tambah kenalan baru nanti.Weee :D

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kula Lumpur (PABKL) 2014

Posted by Sara Z at 19:53 8 comments
Hello uolls!

I nak tanya ni, minat tak baca buku? Kalau jawapannya YA, jom pergi jelajah ke
Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kula Lumpur (PABKL) 2014 or 
Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2014 !

Butiran seperti dibawah :

Tempat  : Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC)
Tarikh   : 24 April - 4 Mei 2014
Masa    : 10.00 pg - 7.00 mlm (Isnin-Khamis)
                10.00 pg - 9.00 mlm (Jumaat, Sabtu, Ahad & Cuti Umum)

Dengar cerita macam memang banyak sale, harga-harga buku berpatutan dan sesiapa yang ada voucher buku boleh guna kat situ! Wah Bestnya!

Bagi student-student yang tiada voucher buku, macam iolls yang sampai kesudah tak dapat ni, hehehe,
boleh tunjuk kad Matrik untuk dapat diskaun 25% !
(tapi yang ini tak pasti untuk semua buku atau sesetengah sahaja)

Apa lagi, jom serbu pesta buku ni! :D

Kredit Gambar : Google

Macam Mana Nak Nikmati Hari Yang Lebih Baik?

Posted by Sara Z at 16:51 2 comments

Hai semua :)

Di petang yang indah ala-ala nak hujan ni, nak share something dengan korang. Heee
Nak share pasal 10 Benda Yang Kita Boleh Buat Supaya Hari Kita Lebih Baik ! Woww weee

Benda-benda ni suma benda simple je. Yang kita boleh buat dalam masa sekejap.
Nak tahu tak apa dia? Jom klik Gambar pompuan yg tgh berlari2 kegembiraan kat bawah ni :P
Atau boleh klik link kat atas tu or gambar yang kat side bar di sebelah. Jomlah Baca. Kita share info ni :)

P.S : Sambil2 tu boleh bantu sara menabung :)

Mini GA Cash RM350 by Emas Putih #part2

Posted by Sara Z at 00:55 8 comments
Salam! Hai korang! 
Jom kita ramai-ramai join Mini GA by Emas putih ni :)
Menarik hadiah nya. Di samping tu dapat tambah kenalan kan. Apa lagi, Jom join! :D
Hanya perlu klik je banner kat bawah ni. Dan ikuti syarat2 yg ditetapkan :)


[ Tekan banner di atas kalau nak join ]

Mini GA Cash RM350 by Emas Putih #part2 ini dianjurkan oleh Emas Putih 
dan disponser oleh Syiera , Iskandar Daughter , Saidatul dan Syira Lokman dan Mahamahu :)

Blogwalking Time !

Posted by Sara Z at 00:34 2 comments

Hai guys! Lamanya xupdate blog.huhu.rindu nak menulis. Tapi xsempat since banyak komitmen. :'(
Dengan kenduri kahwin kawan punya kakak, sibuk menolong apa-apa yang patut. Heee
Alhamdulillah semua itu dah selesai dan kini aku dah kembali. Weee.
Terima kasih kepada sesiapa yang sudi blogwalking ke blog aku. :)

Now I will return the favor. Yeay. I am going to go blogwalking :D
Sesiapa yang nak aku melawat dan klik2 iklan nuffnang or churpchurp, meh tinggal link kat sini.
Pasti akan ku lawati. Kalau nak follow pun lagi bagus, I will follow you back! weee :D

(image : from Google )

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Family's Favorite : Nando's

Posted by Sara Z at 07:30 12 comments
Salam! Alohaaaaa :)

Today I just wanna share a story about the place where my family loves to go and eat!
 (One of the places where they love, cause there's plenty :p)

Wanna guess? Hiii. It's Nando's!
My family loves their foods sooo much. Especially my sisters. Since my older sister is pregnant she really really loves Nando's. My younger sister also loves them. Well, to be honest Me too! :D
Why you say? Well I think their chicken is soo yummy! They are cook in a way that we can taste all the flavors in the chicken. :D

Usually we ask for Full Platter. This is a meal for 3-4 people.
There will be a Whole chicken that will be cut into 4 + 2 LARGE sidelines @ 4 Regular sidelines (you can choose whether you want 2 or 4)

Whole Chicken (Cut) and Mediterranean Rice

Grilled Vegetables and Peri Chips

My plate :p

For drinks I usually order Ice Lemon Tea because it is Bottomless ( Drink as much as u can) :p
My sister usually order Sparkling Apple.
After finishing the meal, we wipe our mouth with this tissue. Hii.
Now Remove All Evidence :p Teheee

Thanks for reading :) Weeeeeeee

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Motivation :)

Posted by Sara Z at 10:14 0 comments

Hello! Just a motivation for myself and everyone that can relate to this :)

Image from : Mr Google

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Cupcake Sedap!

Posted by Sara Z at 11:11 10 comments
Hello korang! Heee

Selama ini aku mencari kat mana cupcake sedap. selalu nya pencarian tu gagal TAPI semalam aku berjaya! yes! Rasa macam nak lompat-lompat gembira! :D


Nama kedai cupcake ini ialah Twelve Cupcakes. Macam macam flavour dia ada. Nyum Nyum! Aku pergi yang dekat One Utama. Kat tempat lain yang ada ialah dekat Sunway Pyramid dan MidValley Megamall.

Alkisahnya aku beli dua je cupcake.hahaha. Pastu lepas aku ngan adik-beradik aku rasa, fuyohh mmg sodaap! Jadi after tengok movie kitorang pun patah balik kedai tu beli lagi 6!hihi
Harga dia satu RM6. Boleh tahan juga harga die tapi memang sedap dan berbaloi!
Aku beli 6 dan jumlahnya RM34. Jimat RM2. Yeay!

Memang cupcake ni sedap.Tak tipu! Die punya cake tu moist sgt and just Nice! Heee.

Ini gambar2 yang aku sempat tangkap sebelum cupcake tu dibaham oleh harimau2 yang kelaparan.hiiii :p

They are so SEXY!

Sorry satu cupcake tu dah hilang sbb aku dah makan sebelum sempat tangkap gambar.hewhew :p

Kalau korang nak rasa cupcake ni Sangat-Sangat dipersilakan.heee. :D

Friday, 11 April 2014

Setiap Kali .....

Posted by Sara Z at 17:26 5 comments
Ni yang aku rasa setiap kali kena naik tangga.

Lagi-lagilah kalau tangga yang kat train Masjid Jamek tu. nak pengsan! Hahaha
Tapi gigih kan juga. exercise. :p

One of the worst moments

(Image from : )

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Iktibar yang perlu diambil

Posted by Sara Z at 02:00 7 comments
Selamat pagi! :)

Hai korang! Pernah tak korang naik train pastu tengok  pakcik tua yang sedang berdiri atau parents yang sedang mendukung baby or pegang budak kecil atau tengok ibu mengandung yang sedang berdiri. Perkara yang paling mengejutkan ialah tak ada seorang pun yang akan bangun daripada tempat duduk mereka dan tawarkan kepada yang lebih memerlukan ini. Mengejutkan mungkin bukan ayat yang sesuai, lebih kepada MENYEDIHKAN :'(  Well, kejadian ini bukanlah berlaku dalam train je sebenarnya, tapi sebab aku naik train so banyak insiden yang aku tengok memang dalam train. Heee

Ada banyak juga insiden yang aku tengok pasal hal ini :-

1. Cerita pertama ialah waktu aku naik train nak pergi KLCC jumpa kawan-kawan aku. Aku pun naik-naik je dari Taman Melati aku terus berdiri. Walaupun banyak tempat kosong lagi tapi aku lagi suka berdiri. Mungkin sebab malas nak bersesak-sesak baru nak bangun dari kerusi bila dah sampai destinasi. Aku berdiri disatu penjuru dekat dengan pintu ni. Makin jauh train berjalan makin ramai orang naik. Dan ada sorang pakcik dia bawak anak kecil dia, anak dia asyik meragam mungkin sebab ramai orang, tapi tak ada orang pun bagi dia duduk sampailah ada seorang pakcik tua ni yang bagi dia duduk. Pakcik tua ini pun bangun, dia pula yang berdiri sedangkan orang lain yang duduk dekat situ semua nya remaja dan budak-budak muda yang duduk tengah main handphone. Mereka semacam tak prihatin dengan keadaan sekeliling. Pakcik tua tu hanya memandang mereka, dan aku hanyalah si pemerhati di penjuru train.

Crowded train

(Image from : )

2. Cerita kedua ialah waktu aku naik train jugak. Seorang pakcik tua ni naik train waktu memang ramai orang dalam train tu. Kita boleh nampak kalau seseorang tu penatkan, dan muka pakcik tua ni memang macam orang yang penat gila, tapi tak ada sorang pun yang nak bagi tempat duduk kat dia. sedih dan pilu aku tengok. Aku nak bagi tempat duduk pun xleh sebab aku ni berdiri. Dalam hati aku hanya mampu berkata 'Sabarlah wahai pakcik,' :'(

3. Cerita ke-3 ini adalah mak aku yang cerita sendiri. Waktu mak aku mula-mula kerja dekat ITM (now UiTM) Shah Alam, beliau pergi dan balik memang naik bas. Waktu kejadian ni mak aku tengah mengandungkan kakak aku. Kalau waktu balik kerja memanglah sangat ramai orang naik bas. Tapi yang sedihnya walaupun mak aku sarat mengandung tapi tak ada sorang pun yang offer mak aku tempat duduk dia. Mak aku kena berdiri dekat ngan pakcik driver waktu tu.
Sampai pakcik driver tu cakap 'Maaf ye nak, tak ada orang nak bagi anak duduk,'
Pakcik tu pun memahami apa yang mak aku rasa. Mungkin sebab ni juga kot kakak aku tak cukup bulan. Huuu
(Image from : )

Bila aku renung-renungkan sedih bila masyarakat kita tak prihatin dengan keadaan sekeliling. Hmmmm. Sepatutnya Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita, tapi macam tak diamalkan. Kalau dekat luar negara, orang-orang yang tak reti nak tengok or baca "sign this seats are reserved for ..." memang selamat dah kena sound. Tapi kat Malaysia ni tak ada orang yang berani bersuara. Jadi susah sikit nak bagi kesedaran dekat mereka-mereka ini. Huuu. Semoga kita boleh ambil iktibar dengan cerita ini.

Berdasarkan cerita-cerita aku ni, mungkin korang boleh relate dengan pengalaman korang. Kalau nak share pun boleh letak kat ruangan komen. Thanks for reading :D

 ( Image from : )

Monday, 7 April 2014

Shingles in Pregnancy

Posted by Sara Z at 16:46 2 comments

Lets talk about Shingles!

Firstly, what is this Shingles? Something that mingle? They do  mingle alright, mingle with our skin!
Why do I want to share about Shingles in Pregnancy you say?Ahaaaa! It is because of my sister. She is pregnant and just had been diagnosed with Shingles. She is very worried about her baby and my Mom is also worried, so it is up to me to save the day! hahaha. I need to find some information about this Shingles. Thus, I come out with this post :)

Now let us begin!

Shingles is an infection that comes from the virus Varicella-Zoster virus. The same virus as chicken-pox! When we were little, most of us will get chicken-pox, after the chicken-pox had resolved, the virus causing it will stay dormant in our body (which is in the nerve cells) and it can be reactivated again if a person has a low immune system which can be caused by few Risk Factors such as :

  • Having any illnesses
  • Taking immunosuppressive drugs
  • Severe stress
  • Aging-related changes

Picture of Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
How Shingles Looks Like

The Sign & Symptoms of Shingles :-
  • Itchiness 
  • Pain (burning or shooting pain)
  • Rash which later become reddish bumps, after few days it become fluid-filled blisters and then they will crust over and fall-off after 7-10 days
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty Urinating
How Shingles is Diagnosed?

Shingles is diagnosed by clinical diagnosis. This means that the doctor will be able to diagnose that you have Shingles by examining your rash because Shingles rash is characteristics. However, specific laboratory investigations can be done to detect the varicella-zoster antigens if the case is atypical or difficult.

Treatment of Shingles 

Antiviral Drugs will be given by your doctor to lessen the severity of Shingles. Examples of antiviral drugs are :-
  • Acyclovir
  • Famciclovir
  • Valacyclovir
There are also some over-the-counter drugs that can be used such as :- 
  • painkiller Acetaminophen. (Talk to your doctor before taking)
  • Anti-Histamines
  • Calamine lotion to reduce itchiness
  • Pregnant Woman Should NOT take NSAIDs late in pregnancy
Some self-help measures can also be used to help reduce the pain and itchiness such as :-
  • Cold compresses and cold baths to relieve blisters
  • Loose clothing and clean gauze to cover affected areas. This will help to fasten the healing process and prevent infection

The thing that you must bear in mind is Shingles is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS! Same as Chicken-pox! So do yourself and your family and friends and the community a favor by staying inside the house. If not other people might be infected :'(

Having Shingles during pregnancy can cause some problems to the baby. However, most experts agrees that the risk is less than if you have chicken-pox. In one large study, there was no evidence of fetal harm in pregnant woman who developed Shingles. That is a Good News right? :D

If you want more information regarding Shingles in Pregnancy you can go to the sites below. This is where I got my information from. I just tried to make it simpler. Hope you enjoy reading it :)

References :-

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Kegigihan Mencari Kamera Fujifilm Instax Mini 25

Posted by Sara Z at 11:00 2 comments
Salam :)

Hari ni hari jumaat! Aku pasti ramai yang melonjak gembira kan sebab dah nak cuti hujung minggu & boleh lepak2 kat umah.yayerss! :D

Hari ni aku nak cerita pasal kegigihan aku mencari kamera Fujifilm instax Mini 25. Aku memang minat sangat kamera ni semenjak aku tengok kawan aku pakai kamera Fujifilm instax Mini 8. Jadi aku pun bertekad nak juga beli kamera ni, macam best je sebab gambar die boleh keluar terus. Nanti aku boleh tangkap semua gambar yg bermakna tuk aku. Pastu boleh buat album. :)

(Image From : )

Masalahnya cuma nak kumpul duit. yang bab tu aku ni memang liat sikit. hehe. Tapi aku berusaha jugak lah kumpul. Demi kamera instax tersayang. tup tup tup, tahun ni mak aku tanya nak hadiah birthday apa, aku pun cakaplah apa-apa pun boleh mak.hehe. last last mak aku bagi duit tuk beli apa yang aku nak. Walaupun still duit tu x cukup sebab harga kamera ni mahallah jugak, tapi berbekalkan duit tabung, akhirnya dapat jugak aku beli kamera ni. yeahh! i Love you Mak. :) 

Jadi pada satu petang yang indah, (indah sebab dah cukup duit nak beli kamera.hehehe) aku pun menapak lah ke Plaza Low YatDengan gigihnya aku naik Monorail dari Titiwangsa Ke Imbi. Pastu aku pun jalan ke Plaza Low Yat. Kenapa aku sanggup menapak ke Plaza Low Yat? sebabnya aku tahu kat sini memang boleh dapat harga yang the best (murah) kalau pandai cari kedai yang dapat tawarkan harga yang murah.hehe.

Sampai je aku kat Plaza Low yat tu, aku pun naik atas. sebab kedai kamera banyak dekat satu level ni. tapi xingat pula level berapa. Setelah round round and bertanya pada setiap kedai, akhirnya aku jumpa kedai yg bagi harga masyuk. Plus dapat 2 packs of film. Kira okay lah kan.hehe. Sbb kedai lain suma RM390 or RM380. Aku dapat RM350. Jimat duit sikit. hihi. Boleh aku beli extra film. Weeee

                                    Kamera FUJIFILM Instax Mini 25 ku : Halloween Orange  :)

So kalau korang rajin, rajin2 lah menapak ke Plaza Low Yat kalau nak cari gadget yang harga murah. If you are lucky, you might find one. :D

#Life is like a #camera. #Focus on what's #important and you'll capture it perfectly.
(Image from: )

Friday, 4 April 2014

Chili's at KLCC

Posted by Sara Z at 14:00 1 comments

Today's topic is eating at Chili's until you are soooooo FULL! haha ;p

Today, I went to Chili's with my older sister. We were both so hungry and we can even eat a horse. She is  7 and a half months pregnant, she must be hungrier than me. Hee. The original plan was we wanted to go to Ampang Park to eat the delicious Asam Laksa, and then out of no where I had said that it had been a long time since we ate Chili's. Thus, to Chili's we went!  :D

We arrived at 4.30 pm on a Thursday, which was during office hour, so there were many empty tables! Yeay for us, we don't have to wait! :D Since we were very hungry, everything looks delicious! Unfortunately, we cannot order everything because; One, we will not be able to eat all of it and Two, we will be totally broke and the truth was we can't afford to pay them anyway :P

What we ordered were :-

                                                         1) Cajun Club Sandwich

           This was what my sister ordered. A tasty sandwich with vegetables, ham and fries.
              If you have a not so big of appetite, you can even share it with someone else. :)

                                                                 2) Buffalo Wings

  I really like this Buffalo wings. 
              They are chicken drummets that had been dip with a special sauce. 
They taste different, yet nice :)

                                                  3) Loaded Mashed Potatoes (Side Dish)

                                This is my favourite side dish! What I can say is it is so Yummiieh!

                                                                 4) OldTimer Burger

                                             A different taste in a burger. The beef was juicy!

                                                            5) Molten Chocolate Cake

                                                          My Favourite Dessert! Yes!
                  The Chocolate Lava inside a warm cake and was topped with Vanilla Ice Cream!                                                     Wowwww! Just The Perfect Combination :D

For More Info on their Menu, you can go here Chili's Menu .

The service was very nice. Especially from the waiter named "Phone". We don't even have to call him to refill our drinks, he will ask in advance. Nice right? :D

This is the place that I will definitely Come Again ! :)

Wafflemeister at KLCC

Posted by Sara Z at 12:30 0 comments

Finally I was able to taste the famous waffle from Wafflemeister at Suria KLCC! Yessssss! I had been longing for this waffle for soooo long since I had read the reviewed about this place in some website about the best foods in KL. Once I got there it was really hard to decide which waffle I want  BECAUSE
                                       ALL OF THE WAFFLES LOOK DELICIOUS!

Too bad that I was not able to take picture yesterday. Still regretting about that. Huu :'(
However, if you want to know what is their menu, you can click here Wafflemeister Menu .

What I ate was Strawberry Heaven. It was Heaven indeed! It was so Yummieh! Next time I go there, I will make sure to take some pictures for you to see :)

Too bad that this place is only at Suria KLCC (Petronas Twin Towers). It is at the 3rd floor, Centre Court. I wish they will open it somewhere near my house. I wish! hahaha. Other locations are in United Kingdom and Abu Dhabi, UAE. That is so far away! :P

I will definitely come here again to taste other waffles! Yes!

Mencari buku Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Posted by Sara Z at 05:00 0 comments
Semalam aku ada beli sebuah buku  "Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" yang ditulis oleh Robin Sharma. Aku beli dekat Kinokuniya KLCC. Buku ni ada 2 saiz, satu besar dan satu kecil. Aku beli yang kecil je. Harga dia RM36.90. Yang besar sikit tu, tak silap aku harga dia dalam RM49.90 kot. Nasib baik elaun dah masuk, kalau tak mungkin kena kumpul duit dulu. Hehe. Ni muka depan buku tu :-

Kalau korang rasa malas nak menapak ke mana-mana kedai buku, boleh beli dekat link ni
Kinokuniya: Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Cerita disebalik macam mana aku boleh beli buku ni? Aku rasa mungkin aku nak baca buku yang boleh membina diri aku dengan lebih baik. Sebab first time aku baca sinopsis ni waktu aku tengah survey2 buku dekat MPH SACC Mall Shah Alam. Aku tengok macam menarik je. Lepas baca sinopsis terus aku rasa macam aku perlu beli buku ni. Tapi waktu tu duit tak ada, jadi kena tunggu elaun masuk. Bila elaun dah masuk je, cepat-cepat aku pegi cari. Sebab aku tak nak kecewa takut kat tempat lain tak ada buku ni, aku pun pegilah ke KLCC. Sebab kedai buku Kinokuniya kat situ memang besar gilos, jadi aku yakin buku ni ada. Jadi begitulah ceritanya :D

Ada lagi banyak rupa-rupanya buku yang telah ditulis oleh penulis ni. Wah! Kalau buku yang ni best, memang aku akan beli buku lain. Weeee. Bila aku dah habis baca buku ni, mungkin nanti aku boleh kongsi apakah intipatinya. Dan apa yang aku belajar daripada buku ni. :)

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