Thursday, 15 May 2014

Liebster Award #2

Posted by Sara Z at 21:50

Hello uolls! hihi
Hari ini nak cerita pasal Liebster Award lagi.hehehe
Kali ini aku telah di nominate lagi. Alhamdulillah :)

Mereka2 yang telah menominate aku ialah Cik Nadiya , Cik Nad and Kak Wafee

Thanks sbb tag saya! Terharu sesangattt :)
Harap korang sudi baca apa yg telahku luahkan.hehe

Soalan dari Cik Nadiya :-

Q: Birthday korang bila?
A: Saya si Aquarius!hehehe. 12 Februari :)

Q: Status korang sekarang nie? Single, Engaged or what
A: Soon to be engaged, InsyaAllah :D

Q:Hobi korang apa? List kan aje :)
A: Blogging!hehehe.tengok movie, baca novel self-help :D

Q:Wish list korang?
A:     1.  Berjaya tamatkan Degree
        2.  Nak Note 3 :p
Q: Azam tahun baru yang tak pernah tercapai? Hahaha 
A: Joging sampai kurus.hahahaha. angan-angan ku :P

Q: Artis yang korang paling minat?
A: Channing Tatum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so HOT!

Q:Sesuatu yang orang lain tak tahu pasal korang
A: Suka tulis diari  :P

Q: Ciri-ciri pasangan idaman? :D
A: Menyayangi diri ini seadanya :) Sejuk mata memandang beliau & membuatkan hati tenang bersamanya. Chewaah :p

Q: Tema kahwin korang nanti nak colour ape? HAHA
A: Color2 pastel. yes! :)

Q:Tempat yang korang nak sangat-sangat pergi
A: the 7 Wonders of the World.heee. teringinnnnnn.

Q:Komen ikhlas pasal blog ai :D
A: Blog nadia comel. Nadia berani sebab guna warna kuning and u managed to pull it off. Yeay :D

Soalan daripada Cik Nad ialah :-

Q: are you a student ? do you love to be a student .give me a reason .
A: Yes I am a student! heee. I love it soo much! not so much responsibilities other than studying esp for exam.hehehe :P

Q:curious or judgmental .which type is near to you ?
A:i can be either both depends on the situation. However, i know that being judgmental can be bad, i'm trying to improve myself and not being so judgy :P

Q:what do you do when you didnt get to achieve something you dream .
A:I will be heartbroken. hahaha, only for awhile. then i will pull my little arse up and chase my dream until I can achieve it! Yes! Positive! :D

Q:what is your opinion about todays trend 'selca a.k.a selfie' -self camera ?
A:My opinion? hahaha. this is a tough & sensitive Question maybe? selfie if we are with someone else or in a group of people, it is cool. Because that will be our memory. However, if we are taking our own picture by ourself, that is just gigih? I think.heee

Q:your preferable style in dressing and give a reason .
A: I like to be simple and comfortable in whatever clothes i am in. :)

Q:your favorite type of song .give me one example .
A: Actually I have numerous type of song that I like. Depends on my mood. I f i am depressed or sad, then it will be a slow song, and if I am happy, a jolly happy song! hihi

Q:what is the most place you want to visit in this world ?
A:it has to be the 7 wonders of the world :D i really want to visit those places!

Q:which one do you prefer ,express in word or in action ?Give me a reason.
A: I will go with action. because it is no use if u just talk but nothing is done right? :D

Q:do you agree with me if i say your favorite color shows your self color ? Give me your reason with your favorite color .
A: I do agree! heeee. I love pastel colors. They are soft and when I look at these colors, I will feel calm and relax :)

Q:do you prefer to take a trip in a group or on your own ?
A: I would like a trip with a group. The more the merrier right! :)

Q:what do you think of my blog ?
A: Simple and nice. Sejuk mata memandang dgn pohon2 sakuranya. Love the whitish theme! :)

Soalan daripada Kak Wafee :-

Q:Nama panggilan yang anda suka? TAK semestinya yang orang selalu panggil.
A: Semestinya afi dan sara. hiiii. pitot pun suka jugak.hahaha :P

Q:Favourite colour?
A: Warna-warna Pastel! sojuk mata memandang :D

Q: Makanan kegemaran?

A: Lamb chop, chicken chop, rojak buah, (boleh lebih satukan?hiii)

Q: Plan nak anak berapa orang?

A: Nak anak 2 pasang :) 4 org kalau ada rezeki, 2 lelaki 2 perempuan

Q:Hadiah paling mahal yang pernah bagi kat mak?

A: Selalunya share2 ngan adik-beradik.hiii. SKII kot.hiiii

Q:Hadiah yang teringin sangat nk bg kat mak?

A: Tiket penerbangan & penginapan & belanja pergi Haji :D

Q: Kereta idaman anda?

A: Kia Optima K5

Q:Dah berapa lama blogging?

A: Baru 2 bulan.hikhik :P saya budak baru belajar :D

Q:Do you like your job/study? 

A: Yes! very much! hihi. hopefully pekerjaan pun akan disukai jugak. doakan ye kak :)

Q: Tempat hangout/lepak favourite?

A:Food court Pavillion. Banyak gila makanan best! and of course panggung wayang.haha

Q:Describe ME in 3 words

A: Funny, Gigih, Cute! :)

terima kasih sebab sudi baca.heee :)


Unknown on 16 May 2014 at 02:53 said...

Bagus... semoga tercapai cita2 nak bagi tiket haji kt mak ^^

Sara Z on 16 May 2014 at 13:34 said...

@Ibnu Ramli hii.thank u. hopefully! Amin :)

Dunia Zumal on 16 May 2014 at 16:28 said...

Salam Jumaat Sara... Zumal balas kunjungan kat sini :))

Ain Nafisha on 16 May 2014 at 19:38 said...

Yeay sama, nak sangat pergi tempat yang digelar 7 wonders of the world tu tapi takde duit huhu.

mmesi on 16 May 2014 at 21:15 said...

singgah spray ridsect sket... btw, awak soft jugak ke? xD

iamcikmisi on 17 May 2014 at 01:14 said...

singgah blogwalking.. dah follow sini :)

Wafee on 17 May 2014 at 07:38 said...

Tq Sara! Tq coz sporting n sudi jawab! Hehe

Plan anak kite sama la sara... Akak pun nak 2 pasang... Baru dapat sepasang... Sepasang lagi Insya Allah... Hehe... Tak sangka sara brau blogging 2 bulan! u blog like a pro babe!

Semoga ukhuwwah yang terjalin akan berkekalan hingga ke jannah ye Sara? Insya Allah...

Pwincess on 17 May 2014 at 11:46 said...

same goes to me. suka pastel colour. hehe.

Nadiya on 17 May 2014 at 16:17 said...

engaged to be. ouch congraaattsss :D

Mimie on 17 May 2014 at 19:18 said...

Nak tunang dh ye...tahniah..

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